It came on the right time. More than the right time, it arrived on the perfect stretch.
Summer had never been so dull. For that, I can't thank my online buddies* enough for putting Edward Cullen (with love) in their profiles, which apparently sparked my curiosity. In due course...I'm officially immersed to Twilight! (oh yeah, you may say "at last")
I finished the book this morning. Well, maybe earlier if I was a vampire, I could've finished it before the sunrise, by twilight. :) But see, I SOOO love my zzzz's. :)
Twilight came out like 3 years ago but as above-mentioned, I just learned about the Meyer masterpiece this summer. Maybe I knew about the thriller-romance late, but I quote: "It came on the right time. More than the right time, it arrived on the perfect stretch."
It was delighting to get hooked something that spared me from eating and surfing, and more unnecessary munching. The Edward just increased twofold in my (love) life-- Westwick plus Cullen.
Sabaw kung sabaw. :))
[okay, here's the real story, sorry for the irrelevant pre-intro. :) ]
Just when there's no more page to turn (I might purchase New Moon, the sequel, this weekend, and Eclipse, a weekend before I officially declare myself a student again), I retorted to my (our!) summer habit-- (nearly endless) net surfing.
I visited the ningpage*, the closest thing I have to friendster, aside from facebook. I haven't opened the site for quite some time. Oh well, so I noticed, Matt Mangoba, the brilliant avilon creator, changed the interface (when I only meant, tab labels and fonts, silly). I hovered to the Discussions tab because I hardly care about my profile (wallcommenting and inviting "fffriends") anymore.
Blockmates. The forum title immediately stole my windows such that my fingers released a speedy click. Oh well, people from the ningpage were declaring their blocks already. It's undeniably posted.
It took me two multiply sites to confirm my block. In the first site, I clicked right away the first of four pics tagged Meco. I bore the idea that somewhere in these shots, my name will appear in a sea of neutrals. The first one did not display my name. Nor did the second one. Oh probably, it's just on...oh well not. I'm neither found in the last two.
Anxiety crept my vessels. Don't I belong? Hey, I confirmed my slot personally. I was there, I even saw my schoolmates. :)
The second multiply site, to my relief, assured me that I am a part of the five-blocks-degree-program; of which I belong to the first-- block H.
See, I was wrong with the first multiply site (the same way it wronged me too), it was just there and then, my name. The H.jpg was left unnoticed because it wasn't relevantly labeled compared to the following MgtEco blocks, of which had "Meco" on their caption.
So much for the trifles. I might have already checked that my name was actually in the list, but I haven't checked yet if there's even a ningperson who happens to be in the same block. I did found familiar names, names I see on the other blocks. I, for an instance, found no one from the same block, but I was dead sure I found something mooorrree hilarious. Check this out:

All my schooling life, I get up my bed everyday knowing that I share my name with someone (always)in school. And whether I am outside or inside in the school, it will always be like that in this vast universe.
But I haven't really woken up knowing there will be another Karen Anne that will be neighbouring me for two years (blocks are solid in my school for two years). And on a clearer note, a Karen Anne A. The whole name literally differs on the surname, and well I hope, the middle name.
It's not that I have never considered that there will be more Karen Anne's in this world. Karen is such a common name, and so is Anne which is clearly easier to attach with any name. My mom really lacked some creativity. HAHA.
It's just that it's soooo.....surreal :)
It may sound like, but I am not ranting about it. Really. Everything's just dead funny and soooo.....surreal :)
I hope she doesn't talk like me (I'm bad with orals). What if we have the same macho-yet-clumsy gait? What if she looks like me? HAHA. Will there be clone wars in block H? :)) I SOOOO HOPE NOT. :)
I'm just morphing into a paranoid will all these comparisons I'm presuming :P Lalo na if she's intelligent. We'll be tagged Karen Bobo and Karen Uno. HAHA. :))
I just hope she isn't pissed that's she's actually sharing her name with me! :))
Oh I'm just sure those who arranged the blocks enjoyed themselves in putting two Karen Anne A.'s together :P
See you soon, Karen Anne A. Vera! :))
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