If it's you and it's me, then we belong together.
Yes we do.
My nearsightedness cost me a lot. It shattered my studies in particular. My academics last school year was clearly a mess. Oh yes, I managed to at least clinch a spot in the honor roll but see, I'm better than that (that really makes me sad). Well, if truth be told, my frail vision is not the reason (nor will it be an acceptable reason) but it plays as a factor in my par (to pathetic) grades and pitiful study habits.
In a seat plan, my size (read: full-figured) often parallels to an armchair in the back-- so classmates could see the board well while I cannot see anything at all, mind you. If the the discussions orbit in lectures or anything written in the board, hell, I do not care even if the subject is 1.8 units (read: Physics), I would not bother to bother.
A subject's "lectury" and "boardy" discussions give me the chance to rest my forehead in my arms which is relatively enjoying static friction with the desk. "Boardy" periods? Of course, of course, MATH. I would just wake up with a seatwork or quiz rolling. Is there anything written on the board? Blackboard, whiteboard. It doesn't make a difference. Like I clearly see a thing. I am not a math wiz, but what a blessing, oh sometimes I would wake up without the perfect idea but getaway with the perfect score. :) How arrogant could I be...
Eating in fastfood chains would not allow me to survey the wide array. I cannot recognize persons waving "Hi!" or saying "Ba-bye!" Oh most of the time, I just return a nod as if I distinctly perceive his/her face. He/she probably knows me, anyway.
Actually, I wore eyeglasses in the sixth grade. The copper frame irritated the skin between my eyes above my nose bridge. So, farewell glasses. I don't think I even wore you for half a year.
After the trip to Katipunan, Queen Elizabeth seized her absence from work and had my eye checked. The original plan is to visit an optha in Makati who opens her clinic by two. But it was just striking 12 noon that time, so we took a detour. Queen E opted to bring me in TriNoMa without a foreknowledge of an eye clinic.

Basically, it was just a check-up to get a prescription for lenses. Oh yes, I am getting eyeglassses...again.
Since we're already in the mall, Queen E and I already took time to find the perfect pair of eyeglasses. I bought this Levi's frame (yeahhh, more than the jeans) from Sarabia Optical. It was not the perfect pair but it was a wise acquisition. The frames fits comfortably. I loved pairs from D and G, Miss Sixty and Cavalli, but an eyewear for a cellphone's worth? Oh the lux.
We claimed my glasses after an hour. Aha. After an hour. Encased in a denim holder, I wore the pair rightaway. :)
WOW. Everythings so surreal, man. :) Oh more than contours, I can see face details now. Before, everything was like my psd-filtered with smart blur. Well, now, vision's crystal clear. C'mon. :)